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Prepare For Power Grid Blackouts

Prepare For Power Grid Blackouts

Do You Have Alternative Power Sources


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Brighteon.TV – Prepare for power grid BLACKOUTS across the USA this Winter

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Prepare For Power Grid Blackouts

Prepare For Power Grid Blackouts


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    “Planet is a sphere”






    I was in the Army at Fort Belvior when the 2012 Super Derecho came through the area! the first thing to go was power that was out for almost two weeks Diesel generators went out because Diesel fuel was out of Middle Atlantic area! It didn’t come back until four weeks later!





    Once again, I can’t share Mike’s videos with the normies who really REALLY need his information. Seconds into this one, and he starts using words like “libtard”. WHY DO THIS???





      Yeah i can’t listen to this f cker anymore….hey acts and sounds like we all are 12 and can’t figure out his lame ass jokes. Very condescending. We ain’t the libtards you are talking 2 . Stop talking like a libtard. Can’t stand this f cking “health ranger”…go f ck yourself arrogant pos w the lame ass comparisons.





    no offense,but you have no clue what cold is …..being a texan. Up here in mn ,your cold snap we call t shirt weather. Not kidding and what idiot thought it wise to run your water through the ceilings? Real dumb





    Are you interested in Meditations and Witchcraft?
    Do you want to learn more about your own essence and soul?
    Do you want to learn and experience what your Chakras are and how to develop your own spiritual and personal powers? [show more]





    Somethings going on video game commercial just depicted the sun blacking out in some giant satanic ritual DARK WINTER?





    trump tried to invoke executive privilege to block jan 6th documents from being released,he was informed that executive privilege is only afforded to current presidents,joe blocked him,he was also in formed that he trump was not the president and therefore could not invoke executive privilege,do you hear trump IS NOT,IS NOT,IS NOT [show more]





      Your dumb. Your taking one thing and exaggerating it. Like how they aren’t out. That there blocks your narrative. What are they doing? Nothing. So your point is mute. They lie. They can say what ever they want. Just like your dumb ass. We got signed retirement papers from the military that say djt. That’s hard evidence. You got say. Still believing the lies sheep.





      Point is *moot*, not “mute”.





    We went through a one week power outage after an ice storm about 10 years ago. And it was very cold during that whole week. The worst thing was the sponge bath in the kitchen sink. But other than that – wrap up real good, lots of layers of clothes – it’s unpleasant but manageable. If you like coffee, it’s good to have a way to brew a pot not using your electric or gas.





      Got two perculators.😁





    "Pettenkofer was not the only one who mocked the bacterial (germ) theory. As Valdo Vaccaro, too, recalled, among the many anti-pasteurian experiments made, doctor Thomas Powell’s are still famous as well. He, as Vaccaro wrote, in the 1930s, had ridiculed the entire world of Medicine. He had launched the challenge of producing in [show more]





    rally – CONGRESS OF THE PEOPLE vs PANDEMIC – part 1 !
    [show more]





    Sign the petition to indicate your wish to expressly remove your consent to be governed by corporate politicians, corporate provinces and corporate CANADA that rule over you, not serve you. Peoples of the Salmon empower you to give lawful notice to the Governor General of non-consent to be governed by the corporation Canada/CANADA.Notice [show more]





    Fuck The Great Reset

    [show more]





    “The land area of Australia is 7,682,300 km2 and accounts for only 5 % of the world’s land area of 149 450 000 square km.” AND the largest part of the Australian surface is desert. There is a reason why not that many people are living in Australia.





    The insulation of buildings, the efficient usage of energy, atomic energy, coal, gas and some “green energy” are actually the most reasonable mix to provide energy. Maybe mankind is able to find other efficient ways to produce energy in the near future. Maybe not.





    Fusion reactors don’t work properly until today. They researched fusion energy for many decades and hadn’t been able to make it work. Fusion energy is very likely a dead end.





      What about these “second Sun” tokamak’s that are being built? China has one and I think other countries are building them too. That’s supposed to deliver fusion power I think.





      I don’t know. There is a lot of speculation about alternative energy production methods. I am skeptical. Usually new technologies emerge and “the establishment” cannot suppress them in the long run.
      Therefore i think we are mainly stuck with the energy production methods we already commonly know.
      Energy is a quite important issue. [show more]





    “Green energy” is probably fine as a supplement. BUT in no case “green energy” is able to replace conventional energy production. THIS had been well-known since the beginning. The shitlibs are DESTROYING Western economies because they are ignorant, stupid and extremely fanatic. Their ability to reason is broken beyond repair.





    This is just a nothing video. We all know that we need to prepare for power blackouts. How about some solutions?



    • View all 3 replies


      A solution is learn how to grow and store your own food. And get your own power source. Or learn to live without power. And the government can never bully you using food or energy again. Then get trained in weapons and traps. Bury a freight container on some land and keep supplies there. Learn to make EMP weapons out of microwave ovens.





      Get heat from wood, coal, oil. Insulate your buildings. Use energy very efficient. Don’t waste it.
      You should build an emergency generator if you are able to.
      Don’t put too much food in the refrigerator. Maybe you are able to keep food cold outside since the temperatures are dropping massively.





    84,330 PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM THE FLU SHOT IN 2021. ARE THEY STILL FLU SHOTS? Please share this video






    People are as childish as Greta on energy issues. They want to take down the bridge with cars on it.





      They are not only childish. They are also extremely selfish and gruesome, without mercy in regards to others.





    When 80 percent of the people who operate the power companies die from the vax, all the energy resources on the planet aren’t going to help.





    People in colder climates better stack some firewood this year. I have a bad feeling about the North, along with the grand solar minimum, and the fuel shortages. Climate change through CO CO2 and C alone is all BS. It’s another invisible enemy and scare tactic to tax people and businesses. You know those taxes don’t go into planting [show more]




      Wayne B.

      science bro, a solar minimum actually does the opposite, it causes heat waves. it means minimum sunspot activity, so in turn th.e sun is MORE intense








    Your a stooge. If you don’t think the GOP isn’t part of the same push to destroy America, your a moron. It’s not left verses right, it’s masonic NWO build back better Satanism vs us. The government wants you dead. The world’s governments want a slave society. The bought off Republican will not save you. It’s them vs us… what will you do?





      Yeah this guy is a stooge.. probably damage control sodomite…when they sound funny, it’s suspect too. I’ve called him out on bullshit too..





    there are basically 3 kinds of coal and burn differently. USA coal is pretty clean , thats why they use the fake co2 agw scam to demonize it but it still gets the bad rap from the days of black lung. Its all a head game and hoax to takeover cheap energy and install a bs variable wind/solar disaster. Its a cobbled together mess in [show more]



    • View all 3 replies

      The Apex Initiative




      80% of our energy comes from coal..less than 10% from wind towers..that’d be alot of wind turbines..





    I guess hydro and nuclear don’t exist?





      They makes up less than 10-15%.. Don’t be fooled by them..look it up…coal does around 80% of energy production…these Satan bastards love to destroy the earth and atmosphere…where do you think most of the hydrocarbons come from…not cars…they have catalytic converter to quell the waste





    It’s called a backup generator. You should already have one.




      The Apex Initiative

      This is better than a backup generator: 👁





      What you gonna do when there’s a gas shortage…look up free perpetual energy…bunch of videos on Jewtube




    Positively Revolting Hag

    What a belligerent and phallacious disinfo piece.

    There very well may be broad blackouts this winter, but it doesnt have anything to do with what this truther guru is spazzing about. [show more]



    • View all 3 replies


      Yes! Europa: The Last Battle is the most pertinent and important information for out time that I have ever seen on the Internet. I watched the full 12 hours all the way through twice.




      Positively Revolting HagJadedOptimist

      i am very well aware of what my enemy is capable of, i assure you.





    no one is going to have 6 months of food bro and they dont have any kind of power generators.



    • View all 6 replies

      Positively Revolting HagWatcher360

      not without many months worth of clean water, it wont.




      Scientific_NamePositively Revolting Hag

      If you don’t live near rivers and lakes your already dead





    Vaxxterminate all Dumbocrats, communists/socialists, leftists, BLM, ANTIFA, govgoons, Biden Regimists, Lamestream media, social media giants, tax moochers, criminals including illegals, Hollyweird, Fauci fascists, public maskurbators; and pray for a severe flu season!





    What about the invasion you prophesied last month?


    The Apex Initiative

    This is actually what is going on 👉

