JFK Assassination 2.0
Trump Rally July 13 Butler PA 6:11 PM
So many anomalies are coming to light after the attempted assassination of Former President Donald J. Trump that now makes it look like a JFK ASSASSINATION REPLAY 2.0

I think Mike Adams is pretty much spot on in his analysis of the Butler, PA assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump, however, I would just add a few points. Mike makes suggestion the possibly the FBI radicalized the shooter,Thomas Matthew Crooks, through the internet using a social account. I would just add one other possibility, the CIA is famous for using it’s MKUltra mind control program for just this type of inside job CIA MKUltra Project
Assassination attempt of Trump was a deep state INSIDE JOB
Assassination attempt of Trump was a deep state INSIDE JOB
– Assassination attempt on Trump, deep state involvement suspected. (0:03)
– Political conspiracies and emergency preparedness. (6:42)
For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport
Here is an excellent article that blows holes in the MainStream Media and government narrative by the Gateway Pundit Trump Attempted Assassination
The Deep State After Assassination Plan
In the video, Mike Adams says he believes the plan was to assassinate President Trump, which would then lead to the outbreak of civil war, which would allow the Deep State to initiate marshal law, and then gun confiscation.
I believe that their plan is to use the millions of illegals which they are housing in the taxpayer funded hotels. I believe that thousands are actually trained mercenary troops awaiting their equipment and arms. Surviving Urban Warfare In 2024
The Next Phase Of Their Plan
Because all their plans have failed so far, you can expect something desperate while they still have control of the government, SO GET PREPARED.
JFK Assassination 2.0
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