The METAVERSE and Ready Player One
Is This Part Of The Great Reset Plan
Is this what the Globalists have planned for you?

2 weeks, 4 days ago
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The METAVERSE and Ready Player One
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If they gave us all holodecks and replicators, I’d understand. But shitty vr
I’m sure it wont be long before your eye movement data gets sold.
Eventually, they’ll probably just be subliminal mind control devices. [show more]
Fantastic video. Thanks man. Don’t bend a knee to bullies, they are just people or lizards or whatever, they can get fucked.
also, I do not serve anybody, especially the yahweh humanity hating “god”
no thanks
original MATRIX plot was that humans were in stasis so their brains could be used for computing power.
but they went with batteries, because…. shrug… muricans be dumb dumb?
the goyim will have the hereafter; and the digital world…the chosen will have the World To Come.
META … Make Everything Trump Again !!
I love your videos,you are spot on again. Would never have thought we would be living this. when I started to watching your content
No technology or mind control techniques can remove the free will that God gave to each one of us. Hence the predictive programing. The controllers know that we must choose to be enslaved. Never forget what God gave us.
Seriously I think there are people out there who chose to be ignorant. They are too into trivia so deal with serious contemplation and questioning of truth. And, they are more interested in the who is telling truth rather than investigating the information. It a lot like food. Some people refuse to even try some foods or dishes. [show more]
I wouldn’t be so optimistic. There are certain lines that humankind refuses to cross. Still, at some point they manage us to – via fear or force or seduction. Whatever.
Ha… insects are dying off, thanks to geo- engineering. Watch bugs that have color change to a dull beige then there are no more bugs the next year.
They’ll probably come up with GM ones who’ll be resistant to the engineering.
And besides, if the insects will no longer be capable to live in nature, it can’t prevent _them_ from breeding them in insect farms. That’s the only productive method to convert them into “food” on a mass scale anyways.
But on another note. Yes, less shit skins on the planet would make things better.
Just A pyramid of people would do the trick
its always someone else who deserves to die, right? what a croc.
Lol, good God I can’t wait for America to break apart. We will have sections protected from this nonsense. Then we will take the nigger loving fag worshipping sections. Expell them to nigger continent.
I agree upon most of what Dave says except for the ‘god’ part in the end.
It’s the same forces that created monotheistic religions are replacing them now by transhumanism.
(One might argue christianity is different. But if so, it’s only because there still are enough pagan values/concepts inside it that the West refused to give up [show more]
Indeed, it’d be better choice to give up on technology completely than to go down the road they lead us using it. Only thing that bothers me about it is that they’ll still have technology on their side if we abandon it. We seem to come to a point when it’s to late to try to escape their net by simply withdrawing.
Its time for guillotines.
These folks once everyone finds out what we are being ruled by. Beheading will seem just to painless for most peoples liking. The fact we can not kill them more than once will be disappointing. These people are Evil beyon belief.
I suggest death by wood chipper, preferably feet first. Let these shitweasels spend their final seconds of life screaming in agony and terror as they are slowly ground into fertilizer.
Checkout an amazing new documentary series ‘Cult of the Medics’:
Technology is a wonderful thing IF it’s kept in it’s proper place. Unfortunately for the past 15-30+ years it has NOT been in it’s proper place. We become so preoccupied with could we create this tech we did ever ask should we create this tech. We never stopped to ask it this a good thing. We never asked are we better off with this [show more]
META = Make Everything Trump Again
Hahahahahaha. It worked so well the first time so the next time will only be better. You should look for another savior because that one didn’t pan out.
Wow, you really spilled into the spiritual with this one. It’s nice.
I see that the mark zuckerborg in 3d is the guy he wishes he was. I use to think the virtual reality gaming would be the best thing ever and when i played it I got headaches and motion sickness from it. speaking of those people who believe we shouldn’t eat meat, I saw a really interesting video the other day pointing out how thoroughly [show more]
The ‘elites’ are predators. We are not. Our capability do digest food other than meat / animal products properly depends on a lot of individual things – like enzyme production or microbiome (which can be altered).
we are universal in our digestive capabilities. the doctor who made the video talked about things you find in colostomy bags and 1 thing they find a lot is undigested vegetables while they never find undigested meat which means it is completely metabolized. the elites are predators and they are adept at manipulating good people like [show more]
The elitist a-holes can all go fuck themselves.
Thank you David for all your Great works and most of all your uncanny insight into the Abyss of wickedness that is unfolding before our eyes always look forward to your vids
Great video. One of your best.
Nothing digital is secure. Never has been , never will be. The only way to avoid their control, is to refuse to use their technology.
Thing is, it seems like it’s to late for stopping them from using technology upon/against us deliberately even if we quit. We still should though. Maybe there’s a chance to die clean at least – and thus escape their nets as we do.
I have to say your videos are getting VERY good Dave.
Keep ´em coming!
“You will own nothing and you will be happy.
They will own you and they will be happier”
: ) well .. Or some of us. They need some addicted slaves to maintain their sh!tshow going.
for now.
I said the same as the title when I first saw Meta. The only difference is that Ready Player One’s universe was created by a benevolent creator not by a robot alien reptilian freak that means to enslave all of humanity.
Hey Dave.