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Mission To Disarm The American People

Mission To Disarm The American People

Do Not Fall For Their Lies

The Government (NWO/WEF, Deep State, Shadow Govt, Uniparty) whatever you want to call them, has been working for years to disarm the American people.

They know they can not complete total enslavement as long as a large percentage of the populace are armed.

Mission To Disarm The American People
Second Amendment

Mission To Disarm The American People

Do not fall for their lies; the enemy is on a mission to disarm the American people as much as possible. They know they can’t do it all at once, so instead they downgrade what we can have, and limit who can be armed and where he can bear arms, all to the greatest extent they are able.

Assault Weapon

The slogan assault weapon refers to 20th Century arms, the purpose in this scam being to disarm us through obsolescence.

Red Flag Laws

The red flag scam allows government to disarm anyone simply by claiming that in its opinion that person might be dangerous, and the one seen as most dangerous by traitors in government is the patriot.

Gun Free Zones

The gun free zones scam disarms good people but not those intent on committing mass murder, in the areas where mass murders most often happen.

These are just a few examples of a massive attempt to disarm us to the greatest extent possible, bit by bit, with the enemy attacking the right from any and every angle.

And governments that disarmed their people in the past make clear that civilian disarmament is not an end in itself, but is a means to an end, that end being slavery and even genocide.

Mission To Disarm The American People



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