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Grow Food Without Electricity Or Soil

Grow Food Without Electricity Or Soil

Prepper Food Survival

How to survive when SHTF and be able to eat

Grow Food Without Electricity Or Soil

Grow Food Without Electricity Or Soil

Grow Food Without Electricity Or Soil


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GROW FOOD without electricity or soil: Suspended net pot non-circulating hydroponic system
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Health Ranger Report
Published 21 days ago |
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  • Super nice job! I am just starting to build mine out using various containers and some buckets for a tomato and green pepper trial. Using covered quart jars for the smaller herbs and also some French Radishes as they are so quick to harvest.

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  • Mike, when the power goes out, your lights go to.

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    If you are on a tight budget. Go visit Mike @ “Keep on growing” on YouTube. He also uses the Kratky system with some variations. Good luck!

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    When SHTF, back to Eden gardening would be easier. I grew organic and the no till method is the way it is in nature.

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  • Reminds me of the Aztec chinampas, but on a small scale. I remember in my third grade social studies book (34 yrs ago), in the chapter about the Aztecs, seeing their floating gardens. I thought that was the neatest thing, and I never forgot it.

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  • Thanks – way cool
    Did I miss this part >>> How does the water not get stagnant and icky without any water movement ??

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    • Could be because it’s not exposed to light. Many water containers are black for this purpose..not just wanting to capture heat if in the sun vs white container. Also see water buts where one captures rain from gutters..dark coloured and blocked from sun light getting on water. One angle of reasoning anyway.

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      control the PH

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      I’m guessing it doesn’t really matter if the water is stagnant since the plants are suspended over it and don’t really touch it, except the roots. Also, the water is replaced over time, albeit slowly, through the trickle hose.

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    I would sure like to know what type of nutrients and minerals we need to put in the water. Any idea?

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    • not counting on the stores to be open or the funds to afford “hydroponic solution”.in my greenhouse (carport converted 20×20) I am going to be playing with rain water collection – 50gal storage, rabbit manure “tea” add other essentials like oyster shells and Epsom salt to make and maintain nutrients, macro and micro. I have a ph tester for the garden to monitor and adjust solution. planning and collecting materials to expand green house on a 20x20x6ft deep earth battery for sustainable temperature in winter and summer.

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  • You need electricity for the grow lights. What happens when the electricity goes out?

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  • i bought several led plant lights at walmart in the closeout aisle for $3 each.. 4 foot replacement tubes. i was planning on experimenting this winter and see what i could do. I am going to swing by a pot grow store and see what i can find as far as baskets and the chemicals and fake dirt. Great Video Mike!

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  • Thanks for posting this video Mike. I was going to give this a shot, but not now as the drawbacks are many. 12 plants ? HA HA HA .

    Also your no electricity statement, so what runs the lights ? I still favor dirt by far for many reasons not mentioned. Mike you are a sucker for gadgets and schemes that are iffy at best. I have greens far superior all winter outdoors with very little effort.