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Are We Losing Due Process In Our Justice System

Are We Losing Due Process In Our Justice System

Due process is an important part of a justice system

Since America is currently in a state of war, with traitors literally waging very real war on our republic, the traitors should be brought before tribunals

BY: bob@deprogrammingservices

Due process is an important part of a justice system, and we do not want to forget this.

Since America is currently in a state of war, with traitors literally waging very real war on our republic, the traitors should be brought before tribunals, not courts; it would take forever to try the literally thousands of traitors that must be brought to justice in courts, with every trial taking years.

Attempting To Disarm The Militia

Just attempting to disarm the militia, which the Constitution makes clear is part of America’s national defense, through illegal gun control schemes, is treason, that warrants capital punishment, and the enemy operatives did that out in the open, so the tribunal would not have to take very long in each case.

That would take care of 90% of them. And even though the ones that committed treason in this way almost certainly committed it in other ways too, one conviction for a capital crime like this is enough. So this could streamline the process and get 90% of the traitors convicted in little time, with the penalty carried out immediately after the guilty verdict.

The relatively few traitors who did not openly take part in gun control treason, like many of those who took part in election fraud for example, could be convicted pretty quickly too, since their treason was most likely committed out in the open; this they did because they were confident that the communist psyops machine, liberal media, would cover up their crimes, telling a dumbed down population that they were not crimes at all, but just a caring big brother doing what was right.

The traitors that this psyops machine consists of should be among the first ones convicted and walked up the steps of the gallows, since they are and have long been on the front lines of the war, and are the most important weapon the enemy has, waging propaganda and big lie campaigns ruthlessly in support of the communist revolution.

Their Treason Is Extreme

This might seem extreme, but that’s only because their treason is extreme, and there is no other way to stop it than to bring the traitors to justice. And if the justice is severe enough, it will provide a deterrent that will last for many generations.